Real Dreams Episode 7 – "Victims" Ft. Tariah, Nico

Day 07 – Swissivory, Tariah, Nico
Today we’re shooting the video to the single called “Victims”. This is an honor for me, a very special song, for various reasons. First of all, it’s the only song where I’m actually rapping a verse on my entire project. I don’t consider myself a rapper, I like to host on the mic at my DJ-Gigs, that’s as far as it goes; although I do write a lot of texts, song-writing and poetry is one of my many passions.

“Victims” is a song for all victims of domestic violence, abuse and rape, both physical and emotional. The words in the song are positive, and addresses the victims directly. I have people close to me who have been affected by rape, child molestation, as well as physical and emotional abuse. So this is a theme that is important to me. It’s important that a victim speaks about their experience, and talks about what happened. Be it to a therapist, a friend, or a family member: as Tariah sings it on the hook, “talk about it, you’ve got nothing to lose”.

Many people have already addressed this type of subject matter in songs. What I’ve noticed is that they usually focus on the past or the current state in which the victims are. That’s why I tried to focus on the positive aspects of the topic: you feel down, but you need to move on. The only way to get over such a horrible fate of events is to open up your heart to someone, and to talk about it. The most powerful message I can give is through my music. That is why Nico and I focus our lyrics on being positive, being strong, and moving on. Obviously, it will affect someone for their entire life, especially if they’ve been subjected to abuse at a young age. You can never forget. But forgiveness is the most important step to getting over it. Talking about it is the first step that many victims of abuse never even get to. And that’s why a lot of victims feel guilty inside. Of course it is a heavy subject. But as a DJ I can not only make music about partying and having a good time. How can someone enjoy Life without dealing with the reality of their past?

Nico and I rap about it on the song. However, the most important person on this record is Tariah. Not only does she sing the chorus beautifully and soulfully, she starts off the song with a first note which simply gives me goose bumps every time I hear the song. Being a woman, she gives the message and meaning of the record its authenticity and makes the song relatable. Being a man, I’ve personally not experienced it myself. Having a woman’s voice on the song was important to me when I created this concept. And who better to have on a song than my artist and wonderful partner in life and music, Tariah. A big thank you to Nico for also writing an amazing verse and making the track into a full song.

If you’ve been a victim, but haven’t talked about it because you feel ashamed and guilty, I hope this song will help you take that first step towards start the healing process. If you don’t have anybody you can trust, you can talk about it to a therapist. You’re a beautiful person, and you have the right to live your life happily and be a Real Woman.

This is why I wanted to have a song like “Victims” on my record. Music helped me get through a lot of personal issues, like the passing of my mother, tough break-ups or past relationships. It’s a form of therapy, a way to find one’s self when you feel lost. Be a part of history. Pre-Order the album here. #realdreams